Saved Youth

Saved Youth

I’ve Saved Some Of My Best Youth For You. I wasted some of my youth while I was trying to be young. Now, some of my best moments are when my youth comes out...
Live The Ages

Live The Ages

   Live The Ages: Giggle as a Toddler. Learn like a Teen. Party like you’re 20. Teach like you’re 30. Explore like you’re 40. Advise like you’re 50. Care like you’re 60. Share like you’re 70. Dance Like you’ll live...
Inner Strength, Outer Power

Inner Strength, Outer Power

Inner Strength, Outer Power, Strong Years Strong Years I was younger yesterday, Obviously. I’ll be much stronger tomorrow. With today’s work. Strength Starts Today. Keep building a better you, even if you think there may be cracks in the shell. Sensuality...
Aging Timeline – Time Looks Shorter

Aging Timeline – Time Looks Shorter

I had never though of myself as older. The older I get The shorter the timeline between myself and the one’s I think of as old people, and greater the distance to the young. Part of your life you want to be older to get all those benefits of older people. At...
Intimacy Is Timeless

Intimacy Is Timeless

Intimacy Is Timeless Now Is The Best Age To Share Your Sensuality. Enjoying the closeness of intimate touch and what you have to offer doesn’t know a place in time. We can’t go back and now is the only time we have… so share...