Sensuality Exchange

“Sex is an Act - Sensuality Exchange is Sharing of Intimacy”

Sex as most know it,
is largely a Biological Process.

An Intimate Connection
is coupling of mind, emotions and senses.

Porn does not portray intimate connections, or caring/giving sensuality.

Grow the strength of your partnership’s connections while empowering your relationship through sharing and fulfilling your partner’s desires and needs.

Holding On To Love

Grow in love while glowing in ecstasy.


Intimacy Touches Our Soul
We do it the old fashioned Way
Intimate Interests
Evolving Definition Of Kinky
Intimacy Is Timeless
Intimate Communication
Intimacy Is A Wheel, No Beginning – No End
Be An Old-Fashion Princess
Touch... Means The Most When Given. Most Valued When Received
Sensuality Exchange Logo

What Sensuality Exchange Is:

Sensuality Exchange Logo and Tagline

The only sex education most people received are the basics of how not to get pregnant and the elementary instructions for not getting a Sexually Transmitted Infection (S.T.I. formerly S.T.D. [Sexually Transmitted Disease]).

Nobody was taught how to treat a partner sexually, intimately, or as a loved-one (or as a person for that matter). To help with that, this site is compiling what is thought to be helpful and correct intimacy sharing, sensuality and sexual relationship information.

There is an abundance of misinformation out on the web, so this site will try to filter through expert sourced knowledge to be as accurate as possible. This information isn’t intended to be used as a replacement of professional medical advice or counseling. See your trained and licensed professional for that… this is simply a collection of information out there and life experience.

The focus on this site is on male – female couples, even though much of the information translates across bodies in different types of relationships. There are all different types of bodies, personal needs and desires. These can’t all be addressed in basic overviews of information presented here. In many situations sources of information for posts are sited with a site link. Visit many of these sites for more information. If this site doesn’t fit your needs for your preferences, there is a vast number of sites to find in searches online. Be certain that the sites have believable content and don’t appear to have an agenda to provide you with misinformation.

Enjoy your experience here and hopefully this newly acquired information will bring your relations to a higher level.


Sensuality Exchange Is

Luscious Moments

Moments are what mean the most…
Because they are what adds up to the total memory of our time.

Perfect Partner

It is what we all search for…
And seems impossible, until you have it!

Power Of Touch

The Power Of Touch, is light and delicate…
But leaves such a deep and indelible mark penetrating into our memory and soul.

Fulfilling Needs

Needs are so deep seated in our inner being, at our root…
We may not even be aware, until our special-one starts to work us up. Then desires rise.

Sharing Intimacy Touches Deep Down

Intimacy Sharing

Sensuality Touches Deep Down To The Soul
The more intimacy sharing we partake in, the more giving we are, and the more we receive in the long run and grow.

50+ Intimate Conversations

50+ Intimacy

50+  Let’s Talk Intimacy & Relationships.
Not prescriptions & Retirement Homes.

Let’s not think of  anyone over 50 as being old. Relationships and intimacy are ageless. Sharing feelings, desires and caring for a partner never ends.

Aging Sensuality:


ExEd SexEd

Your partner didn’t learn about intimacy in school.

Your partner learned what they think intimacy should be in somebody else’s arms.  They may have heard tall tales on the street, or maybe misinformation in the locker room. Most of their “hands-on” training about sex was taught in their ExEd. The class of teaching from example, from an “Ex-lover”. They most likely never asked and assumed what they did was pleasurable, or possibly that wasn’t even considered… simply self gratification.

You need to teach the SexEd class the way you like it. Share and show what you like, learning what your partner enjoys.

Be an Intimacy Leader. Be the head of the class and sure all involved get “Straight A’s”.

The sex performed by most people is a biological function,
rather than a sharing of intimate emotions.

Sex Is Mostly A Function

Most sex is a performance act drawn from the past to gratify animal instincts for reproductive purposes. We need to adapt our process and actions to develop those primal activities and transform the connection into a sharing of an intimate coupling, with the purpose of bonding feelings with the ultimate goal of satisfying and growing together as a couple.

Provide the ultimate gift of giving of yourself and sharing what you don’t show to others and can’t communicate in any other way.

Ultimate Sensual Gift


Touch… Means The Most When Given. It Is Cherished When The Gift Is Received The tender gift of touch is more valuable than gold. Human beings need touch to grow and develop.


Intimacy Is The Closest Form Of Communication. Ask and share personal needs. You let your partner see and share the parts of you that nobody else knows, be open with your thoughts and desires.


Kinky was originally seen as intimacy with the lights on or maybe in front of a mirror.
Try pushing intimacy limits with partner care, respect and sharing.

Improved Intimacy

Waiting Isn’t Really A Plan To Improve Your Intimacy.

Wishing, hoping and waiting don’t get us anything other than frustrated.

Aging Timeline – Time Looks Shorter

I had never though of myself as older. The older I get The shorter the timeline between myself and the one's I think of as old people, and greater the distance to the young. Part of your life you want to be older to get all those benefits of older people. At some...

Alien Sex

Alien Sex? Touch Has Taken You To Another World. Now Intimacy Seems Like An Alien Concept.

Touch… Means The Most When Given

Touch... Means The Most When Given. It Is Cherished When The Gift Is Received   The tender gift of touch is more valuable than gold. Human beings need touch to grow and develop. Infants deprived of touch can't properly grow and flourish. Intimate touch is a...

Sex In The Park

Park Sex Sex In The Park Have your partner "Pitch A Tent" and Have Sex in the Park. This is your space in the Wetlands & Woodlands. Naturalists - Natural Sex Tree-Huggers  

First Time

There Is only One First Time. In a new relationship everything is brand new and exciting. From the first time your eyes meet through making a commitment to each other. Take it slow and enjoy each new moment. We hear a lot about quick hookups but that isn't...

Be A New-Day Princess, Share Your Mind

Be An Old-Fashion Princess, But Share Your Mind If you want to be with somebody... call them. If you miss somebody... call them. Love somebody... Tell Them! Life is too short to play games. Don't wait for somebody to make the move you want to take place in...

Orgasm Face

If you die during your orgasm, that will be your ghost face forever. Make it a pleasing one to come and go with. Plus, your lover likes knowing you are enjoying it.

Evolving Definition Of Kinky

Evolving Definition Of Kinky Kinky was originally seen as intimacy with the lights on or maybe in front of a mirror. Now many use a versions of sadistic abuse including pain and/or humiliation and sexual violence. Try pushing intimacy limits with partner...

Intimacy Is Timeless

Intimacy Is Timeless Now Is The Best Age To Share Your Sensuality. Enjoying the closeness of intimate touch and what you have to offer doesn’t know a place in time. We can’t go back and now is the only time we have… so share it.

Live The Ages

   Live The Ages: Giggle as a Toddler. Learn like a Teen. Party like you're 20. Teach like you're 30. Explore like you're 40. Advise like you're 50. Care like you're 60. Share like you're 70. Dance Like you'll live forever!

Sexy Eyes

Sexy Eyes & Savory Thighs. Any way I look, I could eat you up.

Whipped Up

Let's get some oil and see what I can Whip Up With This.