Caring Couple, Relationships, Sensual Aging
Live The Ages: Giggle as a Toddler. Learn like a Teen. Party like you’re 20. Teach like you’re 30. Explore like you’re 40. Advise like you’re 50. Care like you’re 60. Share like you’re 70. Dance Like you’ll live...
Caring Couple, Relationships
Happiness is a Harvest Received by Planting Seeds Of...
Communication, Relationships
Alien Sex? Touch Has Taken You To Another World. Now Intimacy Seems Like An Alien...
Communication, Intimacy Tips, Relationships
Intimacy Waits For None Waiting Isn’t Really A Plan To Improve Your Intimacy. Couple intimacy takes work… And Play! Playfulness is one of the best tools for enhanced intimate relations and a satisfying sex life. Plan on being playful and flirtatious in...
Caring Couple, Communication, Relationships
When we are Apart The first intimate memories to fade, are those which mean the most to me. The tactile touch, that we share. That treasured sound of your moan – in glorified response to created our motions. The aroma that is yours alone (together) and pleasure...