Delayed Intimacy Gratification

Knowing that the wait can sooth the pain.

Delayed Intimacy

Desires can cause confusion and delayed intimacy, with conflicts over wanting to get laid and not wanting to be hurt again. Memories of past beautiful intimacy rich encounters, clouded by the pain of loss can cause a fog over desires for future encounters. “Delaid” can be a limbo-land between sensual urges, fond memories of precious sensuous times, and a shield put up by your subconscious over not wanting to have your heart hurt again.

Knowing that you want to move forward and how much you want to love again isn’t enough to allow your arms to fling open again, welcoming a new love in. Delaying looking, or being open to new encounters, then the deLaid approach to being too intimate. It isn’t enough the strength of your knowledge of your desires and heart, verses the insecurities in the back of your mind.

Often the best way to move forward is to let go, be vulnerable, with the security of avoiding any possible mistakes of the past, while making the most of new opportunities.

Left Behind